Manuel Rocco

Manuel Rocco

Manuel Rocco

Manuel Rocco's videos on Cazzofilm
Manuel Rocco have played in 1 gay videos on

In our casting archive we have found today a very special treat: Paulus Güel and Manuel Rocco. Manuel is a horny bald guy that is always on the lookout for the next cock. And you can see the lust on his face when he looks at Paulus. The wild smooching makes Manuel horny that he aims at Paulus' hairy armpits and gleefully licks the sweat. He pushes the head of bearded Englishman up onto his throbbing piston. Turkish Paulus enjoys the attention his bald head is getting until his man pussy itches for more. Manuel moves his talented to jaws to lick softly Paulus' ass. Before the spanking that ensues Paulus' slippery tongue delves deep inside Manuel making way for his magnificent cock. On the back, on his knees, and on all fours he fucks him with animalistic intent until the juice shoots all over. MANUEL ROCCO AND PAULUS GÜEL